5 Tips To Keep Your Remote Staff Engaged As WFH Rolls On


Research shows that happy employees equal happy customers. It may sound simple, but many managers and bosses simply don’t get it. When your employees are treated poorly, are unhappy about their workplace, or simply don’t like their jobs, they are less likely to invest themselves fully in creating high-quality work. When their work suffers, your business does, too.

The past year has made it particularly challenging for all of us to find happiness at times. Many work situations are growing more and more frustrating as impromptu work-from-home scenarios have become interminable. However, there are still ways to keep your employees engaged and invested.

Employees who benefit from open communication and receive solid benefits and the occasional perk are generally happier and more engaged. To keep your employees invested for the long haul, you have to invest in them as well.

Ask Them How They’re Doing

Every time you get an opportunity to speak to your employees without a time crunch, begin the conversation by asking them genuinely how they’re doing. Not only will this make them feel more valued and happy, but it is also a great way to establish an open line of communication. 

Although many of us have been working from home for over a year now, we are still adapting and finding out what works best. In addition to helping you determine what practical matters might need to change about an employee’s working conditions, a check-in can also increase their emotional wellness, boosting productivity in the workplace.

One-sided communication is rarely effective, so you should also be open with your employees about your own remote work experience. Not only does this foster a sense of openness, but it can help you suggest solutions to one another to common issues. 

Let Them Tell You How You’re Doing 

In addition to giving your employees performance reviews, you should also be sure that they have opportunities to share their views on the company’s progress.

Taking feedback from employees in the form of an anonymous survey can teach you a lot about which parts of your leadership are effective and which could use some work. Asking pointed questions to employees can help you understand if they are satisfied with their job duties and workplace dynamics, as well as any new protocols you’ve put in place or compliance measures your company is taking.

Chip in on Home Office Supplies 

When your employees were in the office, they probably had easy access to necessities like pens, paper, printer ink, and so on. Now that they are working from home, they need to procure all these basic supplies on their own. Although these seem like small things, the costs can add up. 

Sending your employees some supplies prevents them from being forced to spend their own money on these items. Plus, you can grab the opportunity to brand them with your company logo. For example, company writing pens are an easy and affordable supply you can send your remote staff. Your staff will feel valued and will be reminded of you even from afar. Plus, if the pens ever migrate out of their home, they can increase your brand visibility.

Give Them a Gift

Everyone who has been dealing with the stress and uncertainty of the past year, in addition to the strain of unexpected remote work, could use a little reward. A small token of appreciation can be a great way to show them you care and boost their morale. Anything from a gift card to a streaming service to a small plant to spruce up their workspace will be much appreciated. 

Have a Virtual Game Hour

Remote work means missing out on not only working in the office space but also the social aspect that comes with it. Even if your group isn’t the most tight-knit, it’s likely that by now, they’re missing the chance to see some fresh faces. 

Offering a virtual happy hour or game hour for any who wish to participate can help them unwind and engage with one another and exercise their brains in a way they may have been missing out on. You can try anything from virtual bingo to trivia or get creative and come up with your own activity.

Keeping Your Team Happy Will Also Keep You Happy

Now that you’ve considered how keeping your employees happy can be positive for them and your business, you can also consider the positive effect on you. More productive workers create less stress through situations that you need to sort out. You’re a part of their team as well and keeping them happy means interacting with upbeat people rather than miserable ones.