The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Learning Process

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Since it’s advent, AI has increasingly developed to become a part of our daily lives. Many industries use AI. You can find it in car parking sensors, intelligent sensors on cameras, and personal assistants on smartphones, for example, Siri on the iPhone.

One area that AI is likely to make a great impact is in education. There are many projects in development to assist both teachers and students in maximizing the educational experience using artificial intelligence. Here are some of the applications of AI in the learning process. 

1. Grading automation

Grading tests and homework is a very tedious work for lecturers and teachers both at the college and high-school level. 

The process of grading student’s work takes a lot of time that teachers would rather use to help their students, professionally develop themselves, and prepare for the next class. There’s much more that teachers can achieve if they get help with grading.

Although AI will never replace a human being, recent developments show that it’s getting closer. Teachers can now easily automate the grading of many multiple-choice tests and student writing, among many others. 

Software for grading essays is still in development, but these will be a game-changer in the coming years and allow teachers to focus more on interacting with their students.  

2. Improving courses

It can be quite difficult for students to grasp concepts if there exists a gap in a teacher’s lesson. Artificial intelligence provides a solution to this problem by pointing out areas in a course that needs improvement. There are a large number of online course providers such as Coursera that help with this.

These systems assist students by filling gaps that usually occur in courses. For example, when many students provide the wrong answer to a certain question, the system can help them by providing hints to the right answer. It also provides students with feedback immediately assisting them to grasp concepts easily.  

Online education illustration

This is something that research paper services for college students use successfully. With the help of AI tools, while working on the assignment requests from college students, the writers keep a check on the research data and it’s input in the work.

3. Student support from AI tutors

There exist tutoring programs based on AI that can help students learn how to write and basic mathematics, among other subjects. The development of such programs will see students finding more support from binary tutors only. However, such systems have their limitations. 

While they help students to grasp the fundamentals of different subjects, they aren’t effective in aiding students to become more creative and increase their thinking capacity. With rapid technological advancements, AI systems may develop similar capabilities of human tutors.  

4. Adapting to the needs of students

There’s no limit to how much students and tutors can achieve from the support offered by AI systems. It makes it easy to individualize learning across all the different levels of education, including college and kindergarten. 

This is possible through learning programs adapted to suit different students and focus on specific topics until they master it. The software and games are also great since they help students learn at their pace. 

AI systems adapted to the needs of students at different levels to work closely in a single classroom. This happens as teachers also facilitate and offer support to students when required. 

AI can also adapt material that’ll help students with special needs become successful. The rapid advance in technology will greatly impact and improve adaptive learning. 

5. Changing teacher’s roles in the learning process

Students can gain as much from AI tutors as they can from human teachers, but there’s no way the latter can replace the former. However, the teacher’s roles in the learning process will change with the introduction of AI in education. Besides the automation of grading, AI can find application in other teaching aspects as well. 

Some programs can help students get information and ask questions, shifting the role of teachers to that of facilitators. In other instances, it could replace teachers in the provision of basic course materials.


Artificial intelligence is finding its way out of science fiction films and into the classroom. Technological advancements in AI will be the game-changer in the learning process, bringing a wide array of benefits to both students and teachers alike.  The above is only a glimpse of what students and teachers can achieve with AI-assisted learning. With advancing technology, AI will play more crucial roles in the learning process. 

Article Authored by: Elizabeth Skinner

Elizabeth Skinner is a tech expert working with an online assignment service that helps students with homework, essays, theses, research papers, and dissertations. Her main job is to introduce new systems to make the writing process easier and better. In her free time, she attends karate classes, does oil painting and writes short stories.